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05/09/2024 09:37 AM 

Current mood:  bored

forgot about the blog lolol

01/17/2024 11:24 PM 

1.17.24: whateva
Current mood:  productive

istg, i be logging onto friendproject adding people, messaging, etc like its my f***ing job! LIKE I BE UPDATING MY PROFILE ALL THE TIME, IMING PPL, FRIENDING PPL, CUZ ITS SO FUN plus i just found out how to adjust my top 8  
anyways, im kinda hungry but i dont wanna go to the lunch room to get food cuz all of the wird homophobic mean and weird ppl be there. like i literally have a stalker and its so scary.... 
also did any of you guys have a wubble bubble ball from like 2013? and if so, hwo long did it take until it popped? LMAOAOA

01/17/2024 09:30 PM 

1.17.24 (MORNING POST)
Current mood:  crappy

okay so this morning i had to scrap of a bunch of f***ing ice off of my car.. my hands were hurting, literally stinging from the cold, and i was so tired and groggy. but i barely made it to school on time and i literally sat down in the class before it even started and just dillydallyed before the rest of the class came. we finished up our reshoot film assignment and i literally like fell asleep right after so now i am here, sitting in one of the backrooms of the class with a coffee in my hand that my teacher gave to me, i'll update yall later on how my day went.

01/16/2024 08:59 PM 

Current mood:  crunk

yall today is a SNOW DAYYYY!! ALL OF THE SCHOOLS IN NYC HAVE CLOSED INCLUDING OURS SO NOW I GET TO CHILL ALL DAAAAYAYYAAYAY! i just made some hot cocoa and i know its gonna be so f***ing good, im honestly just living my best life. all of the negativity out the window, im acing my classes, all of my projects are done and out the way, IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!

01/13/2024 11:02 PM 

1.13.24 (pt.1)
Current mood:  excited

today is the day of besties sky’s BIRTHDAY DINNER!!! I just KNOW the food will eat, but since it's gonna happen later in the night, I have the whole day to do whatever..I’ll prob go 2 the record store or smth. Im charging the can send some cute photos, see ya l8tr

01/10/2024 06:28 PM 

Current mood:  tired

okay im super f***ing tired today. my law & gov class is showcasing our presentations so its a big ol' snorfest, but eventually, im gonna have to prsent my and my partner's project..but the only thing is that MY PARTNER ISNT F***ING HEREEEE. SHES SICK. AND I HAVE TO PRSENT TOMMORROW. UGHHHHHHFWLJFFWRJFERURFJIUEFJIOWEFJIOEFjdfljSDSFJFIJRFIJSFIJFJKUDHFGFGUSFGHDFIFFSISUFSFURFUEHRFEREERGEGEOEGHEREGEROEGOERGHEGJGEGJGERIGDGHEGIJEGIGIJOGIGOGRJRGJEOGHGLERGKLE. sorry about that lol

umm on the bright, my mom just gave my a cookie! so iim very grate ful, prob gonna go to sleep soon lol

06/24/2023 01:24 PM 

first post! xoxo
Current mood:  blah

heyyy everyone! this is my first fp post and im kinda nervous being on here due to my last experiences with fp back in the day, hopefully i have tons of fun

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