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04/16/2022 08:04 PM 

Comment a spooky emoji, I'll answer the question.

👻: Have you ever seen a ghost or spirit?

🧟‍♀️: Do you believe in reincarnation?

⚫️🐈: Are you superstitious?

🦇: What is your favorite urban legend?

📦: Do you believe in the paranormal?

☕️: What was the weirdest dream/nightmare you have ever had?

👽: Do you believe that aliens exist?

🧙‍♀️: Do you believe in the afterlife?

🧚‍♂️: What fictional character scares you the most?

🏚: Have you ever been in a haunted house?

⚡️: Do you believe in magic?

🗻: Do you believe in conspiracy theories? If so, which ones?

🍵: What is your favorite horror movie?

🌕: Have you ever thought about joining a cult?

🧛‍♂️: What is your favorite supernatural creature?

🎃: What is your favorite fall holiday?

🌙: What is the most recent horror movie you watched?

💀: Are you afraid of death?

🔮: Have you ever seen a psychic?

🦉: Have you ever had any near death experiences?

🦅: What is your favorite fairytale?

👁: Have you ever played with a ouija board?

🔥: What is your favorite campfire story?

🕯: What is your favorite scented candle?

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