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03/20/2023 03:01 PM 


Metropolis is a sci-fi movie directed by Fritz Lang, a German movie director, the film was released in 1927, speaking movies were invented that year, but this one is mute. The story is happening in 2026 (so in 3 years), in a dystopic city, Metropolis. the city is devided in two classes, the industrialists, they live on the ground, have great food, sport, sunny days. And all of that is powered by the other class, the workers. The workers live underground, in a poluted, grey city. the story concerns a forbidden love between Freder, a young man from the industrialist class, and Maria, an activist who fights against the divide between the two classes. A robot repliqua of Maria is created, and people try to kill Maria, who's actually a robot...

The movie is amazing, It's one of my favorite, it was ahead of its time.
the money that went in this movie is insane, but it's so worth it, just look at that:

No movie from that time is better, it feels like a movie from 1927, but from another reality, it's stunnig.   

This movie inspired many other movies, like blade runner, Star Wars and many others.

Lang is a genius        

03/20/2023 02:57 PM 


Hi, I'm a cinema student,
Here I'm gonna talk about the 7th art, from Metropolis to fight club, how the cinema evolved and is evolving :)

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