02/16/2022 08:48 AM 

Still hanging strong!
Current mood:  accomplished

I haven't been on my website in a bit, I seriously need to update/add to it. Check it out!

Needing a weight loss supporter? 
Need motivation? I'll try my best to get you in the mood, how I got myself in the mood might help you.
Need some helpful resources like the ones I found for me? Check out my page! 
Dissipate the Weight

I like helping others, Aquarians like me are great at helping others. We also know when its worth the battle cause you can't always help everyone. 
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I tried the low carb stuff when I was 21 and I lasted a week. I didn't have the keto/low carb friendly resources like we have today. I'm a month and a half in and I don't regret a second of it. Trust me, the change is worth it! I have so much energy it's insane. Like I'm on crack or something.......without the crack cheeky

I don't see the scale budging much, but my clothes are and I won't complain about that. Trust me, keto is worth it. Just do me a favor and stock up on gatorade before you start because it will keep the keto flu from hitting you as bad. Also, don't take anti-diarrhea meds just let it get out of your system and stock up on himalayan pink salt for electrolytes for your water. 

01/31/2022 02:59 PM 

Keto diet successes!
Current mood:  sleepy

Yes it's 3am here in WV. I woke up at 1 wide awake and I'm still kinda celebrating my 10 lbs of weight lost since the beginning of the year. I also need to get on my website and update my stuff and add some cool items. I just learned tonight that a good reason why my lifestyle changes (not just a diet) are working: the moon was in a waxing phase (getting smaller) so this is when you should start a new diet and you are more apt to stick with it and see changes. 

I've adopted the Keto diet and I don't regret a second of it. I have more energy, yes I wake up in the middle of the night and all but I have mental clarity, energy, and my appetite has naturally decreased and I find I am eating less as well but the thirst OMG. Well Keto does that to ya so I'll take it with a tall glass of water with a hint of pink himalayan sea salt in it for my electrolytes and stuff. 

If you try it, do it! You won't be disappointed. Plus there are a slew of recipes and resources out there to check out I've tried like 10 already and I love em. 

~*HUGE TIP: Avoid Keto flu by hydrating! Stock up on some sugar free Gatorade and you will be ok*~

Check out my webpage, its being updated regulary. 

12/31/2021 12:22 AM 

New Years Resolutions
Current mood:  inspired

Ok so I have things I want to accomplish this year coming up 2022 and a bucket list tweak or two. 

1. Get healthy, lose weight, (low carb is how I'm gonna try it)
I have a website that focuses on my weight loss journey it's called Dissipate the Weight
2. Drink more H2O
3. Work on and publish my 2024 total solar eclipse page I made dedicated to everybody who is planning to see this next awesome celestial show make it to their destination and can go back home bragging and saying "When is the next one?!" 
4. Save money for house
5. Pay down all my debts
6. Focus on my happiness as well as my kiddos happiness as well. 

If I think of any more I will post them on here. Happy New Years Eve y'all!!!!!

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