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03/08/2023 06:37 PM 

Tumblr OC ask game, but FP blog survey :D

This survey is by a-crumb-of-whump on tumblr! It's the Flower OC Asks, and I'm going to do it with my ocs. I may leave some blank but I'll leave them in in case you want to do it yourself!
I'm going to be doing this for Tchaly (she/her), Halika (he/him), Pataki (he/him), Leitur (she/her), Omiika (she/her), and Petrus (he/him). If you want to know more about them, just ask!!
Basic info that's kind of important: Tchaly, Halika, Leitur, and Omiika are in a poly-ish relationship, Halika and Leitur are mostly involved with each other, same with Tchaly and Omiika, but Halika and Omiika aren't involved w each other bc Omiika is a lesbian and Halika respects that. Pataki and Petrus are married to each other and have 2 daughters.

1. What name(s) were you originally thinking of calling your OC?
only one I remember is Petrus was originally Peiter >_<

2. What is your OC’s favourite form of self-care?
Tchaly: physical, likes working out and meal prep
Halika: emotional, likes to play music and write
Pataki: social, likes catching up with friends and family
Leitur: mental and emotional, likes making art and reading
Omiika: spiritual
Petrus: emotional and physical, paints and tries to exercise when he can

3. Does your OC have a comfort item? If so, what is it?
Tchaly: a red turtle neck and a toucan stuffed animal from Omiika
Halika: hoodies
Pataki: doesn't have one
Leitur: Halika's hoodies, peac*ck themed stuff from Halika
Omiika: her spiritual items
Petrus: a golden retreiver stuffed animal that his daughter got him (his service dog Molly is a golden)

4. What is your OC’s biggest fear?
Tchaly: not being a good partner
Halika: oooh's a lot. He's had a horrible life and is afraid it'll get that bad again
Pataki: something happening to his family
Leitur: losing her mom or Halika
Omiika: being annoying/not being liked
Petrus: same as Pataki

5. What is your OC’s most used phrase?

6. What inspired you to create your OC?
I wanted to make homestuck troll ocs. so i made homestuck troll ocs.

7. What is your OC’s love language?
Tchaly: quality time
Halika: acts of service (performing act for others)
Pataki: quality time
Leitur: acts of service (performing acts for others)
Omiika: words of affirmation
Petrus: physical touch

8. How is your OC around strangers?
Tchaly: standoff-ish but doesn't mind
Halika: veeeery nervous
Pataki: good, loves meeting new people
Leitur: same as Pataki
Omiika: same as Tchaly but does mind
Petrus: quiet but doesn't mind

9. Do a voice claim for your OC
these might be outdated but theyre what i have on hand atm
Tchaly: Garnet from SU
Halika: Sean Bonnette (AJJ vocalist)
Pataki: he's had a lot but i've never settled on one
Leitur: Entrapta from SPOP
Omiika: 1981 Falsettos's Trina (idk her name)
Petrus: Ethan/crankgameplays

10. If you could say/do one thing to your OC, what would you say/do?
not answering

11. What colour are your OC’s eyes?
Tchaly: brown
Halika: green
Pataki: brown
Leitur: brown
Omiika: hazel
Petrus: hazel

12. If your OC had a tumblr blog, what would their URL be?
not answering bc idk

13. Does your OC get overwhelmed easily?
Tchaly: no
Halika: YES
Pataki: no
Leitur: no
Omiika: depends on her mood
Petrus: yes but it doesn't happen often

14. Describe your OC in three words or less
Tchaly: smug but caring
Halika: traumatized but healing
Pataki: loud proud dad
Leitur: outgoing, sociable artist
Omiika: bitchy yet soft
Petrus: quiet, caring dad

15. Is your OC likeable?
Tchaly: kind of
Halika: lets just say hes the traumatized, sopping wet meow meow of my ocs. do w that what you will
Pataki: yes
Leitur: yes
Omiika: not really
Petrus: yes

16. When was the last time your OC cried?
Tchaly: when Halika came home
Halika: last nightmare or panic attack (has both often)
Pataki: when his adopted daughter told him how she felt
Leitur: sometimes cries when Halika is upset but it's hard to say
Omiika: probably last time she got a moment alone
Petrus: when his youngest said her first word

17. Does your OC have any odd quirks/habits?
tbh im not really sure how to answer this one

18. How does your OC cope with loud noises?
Tchaly: doesn't mind
Halika: uses ear plugs in most places
Pataki: doesn't usually mind
Leitur: complains if it bothers her, but doesn't leave unless whoever she's with needs to
Omiika: tries to calm down, leaves to the bathroom if she can't
Petrus: doesn't mind

19. What is something your OC loves, and what is something they hate?
Tchaly: cooking, doing dishes
Halika: music, being alone
Pataki: family, being alone
Leitur: Tchaly's cooking, not getting a good shower
Omiika: partners, her sister
Petrus: his mom, needing to switch between mobility aids while he's out

20. Use one or more photos that encapsulates your OC’s clothing style.

21. Does your OC have a skill they’d like to learn? What is stopping them?
not sure, may answer this later lol

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04/26/2022 09:57 PM 

CD Collection

I have a decent collection of CDs for a bit so I figured it might be cool to make a blog post for them with little blurbs abt them!

No particular order ^-^

ALBUM: May Death Never Stop You
ARTIST: My Chemical Romance
YEAR: 2014
WHEN DID I GET THIS?: 2014/2015
FAVORITE SONG: Skylines and Turnstiles (DEMO)
LITTLE BLURB: this was the first or second CD I ever got on my own! My favorite memories from middle school were just me laying in my room, listening to this on the Sony stereo my mom gave to me. The booklet makes me emotional. It has pictures of coffins with each member's names and the dates they were active, along with info about the songs with little blurbs from someone under each song. At the end, it says "THANK YOU FOR THE VENOM".

ALBUM: Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
ARTIST: My Chemical Romance
YEAR: 2010
FAVORITE SONG: Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back - S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
LITTLE BLURB: GORGEOUS CD design. I love it so much. No other real comments besides the booklet is really cool and has a picture of Ray I hadn't seen before!

ALBUM: The Black Parade
ARTIST: My Chemical Romance
YEAR: 2006
WHEN DID I GET THIS?: 2020/2021 (cant remember)
LITTLE BLURB: Another gorgeous CD! The case is beautiful as well and has beautiful interior artwork. The booklet is actually just a double-sided paper, one side has all the lyrics to each song on one half and this is the other, and the other is this

ALBUM: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
ARTIST: My Cheimical Romance
YEAR: 2004
FAVORITE SONG: It's Not a Fashion Statement, It's a Deathwish
LITTLE BLURB: More beautiful art from Gerard on the interior! The booklet is simple but very fitting. It's another single sheet, one side has all the lyrics, and the other is the album cover, a page of thank yous, and a credits page with mugshot-like pictures of the guys. Simple, but perfect! This CD is one of 6 I keep in my CD changer as CD number 2.

ALBUM: I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
ARTIST: My Chemical Romance
YEAR: 2002
FAVORITE SONG: Drowning Lessons - Demolition Lover
LITTLE BLURB: Cool interior, it's an image of a bat with thank yous from each member and credits (cool fact: Pencey Prep is thanked/credited for "starting us"! idk, thought it was neat!). Booklet is.....interesting to say the least. It's all black and white pictures with the same stages of a bat taking off superimposed on every spread. Each picture is unsettling, but fitting, and there's one for every song. In order as they appear: Gerard - Mikey - Ray - Matt - Frank - groupshot - jack o lanterns - ventriloquist dummy - porcelain Virgin Mary (??) - roses and blood in a bathtub/sink (my personal favorite, very fitting for the Demo Lovers page). The back of the booklet also says "MERCI POUR LE VENIN" (thank you for the venom in french). Definatley my favorite booklet! Another I keep in my CD changer, and CD number one.

ALBUM: Brand New Eyes
ARTIST: Paramore
YEAR: 2009
WHEN DID I GET THIS?: 2014/2015
LITTLE BLURB: The case for it broke when I moved :( but another gorgeous CD, and a gorgeous booklet to match! The booklet has a very coheasive them and it's just beautiful. I got this CD around the same time I got MDNSY, so this has been with me for a long time. I've kept this in my CD changer ever since I got my car, sitting at CD number 3 of 6

ALBUM: Dookie
ARTIST: Green Day
YEAR: 1994
FAVORITE SONG: Pulling Teeth
LITTLE BLURB: No case, no book! My mom used to have a HUGE CD collection, and when I got my MCR and Paramore CDs, she told me she had a few things I might like and she handed me this and a Smash Mouth CD I'm not sure I have anymore. This is another CD I keep in my CD changer, at CD number 4 of 6

ALBUM: Afterburner
ARTIST: Dance Gavin Dance
YEAR: 2020
LITTLE BLURB: Not much to say. No booklet, but cool case! And it came with an instrumental CD!

ALBUM: Father Of All...
ARTIST: Green Day
YEAR: 2020
FAVORITE SONG: Stab You In The Heart - Graffitia
LITTLE BLURB: Cool case, cool black/white/pink themed booklet with lyrics and pictures of the members included in it. My absoulte FAVORITE CD! I think it's just SO pretty and I love looking at it! Used to be in my CD changer, but I switched it in favor of an MCR CD.

ARTIST: Fall Out Boy
YEAR: 2012
WHEN DID I GET THIS?: 2020/2021
FAVORITE SONG: A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
LITTLE BLURB: I got this from VintageStock, and it was unfortunatley the only FOB CD they had, so I got it. I really wanted to start listening to them again but I never did and this seemed like a good solution for. Some reason. But it worked! Kinda, I basically only listen to them in my car with this. Case is simple, and so is the booklet, only one page with credits and what album each song is from. CD changer, number 5 of 6

ALBUM: Twilight Soundtrack
YEAR: 2008
FAVORITE SONG: I Caught Myself (Paramore) - Leave Out All The Rest (Linkin Park)
LITTLE BLURB: No case, no book, another CD I got from my mom. Pretty sure this soundtrack is the reason I turned out so emo!

ALBUM: From Under The Cork Tree
ARTIST: Fall Out Boy
YEAR: 2005
LITTLE BLURB: 2nd time I went looking for a Fall Out Boy CD at VintageStock, I found this! I do have the case and book, but I'm not sure where it is...>.< haven't listened to this one all the way through yet, so not much else to comment on. Maybe one day I'll get around to

ALBUM: Humanz (deluxe)
ARTIST: Gorillaz
YEAR: 2017
FAVORITE SONG: Andromeda - The Apprentice
LITTLE BLURB: Cool case, folds out with 3 sections. When fully extended, the outside features Noodle and Murdoc, with the middle being a shot of all the members in New York. The inside has 2D and Russel, with the middle saying "Those who fear music are dangerous". Booklet has song titles with their credits, and various candid-like pictures of the members, my favorite of with is of Murdoc and Noodle smoking in a car. One of my all time favorite albums, and the main CD is my final CD in the changer. I also occasionally have the bonus track CD in my extra CD reader.

ALBUM: The Black Parade / Living With Ghosts
ARTIST: My Chemical Romance
YEAR: 2016
FAVORITE SONG: I Don't Love You / Emily
LITTLE BLURB: Pretty case, another fold out. Really cool b/w imagery on the inside. Booklet is basic, just a fold out with each song, and "MCRX" superimposed, one letter on each page. Nothing more to comment on!

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11/16/2020 07:07 PM 

Kandi Collection - as of 11.16.20!

I've been makin kandi for a little while now, but it rlly kicked up in January of dis year! I've made LOTZ 4 maiself && mai stuffed animalz (who I may make a blog post abt at sum point >:3), but also 4 friendz && now a trading partner!! I've also unfortuantley lost sum && there r sum i 4got 2 take picz of, so dis iznt mai full collection, but most of it!

First, here r mai Killjoy kandi, easily mai most worn kandi, plus Killjoy ship name singlez && raygun perlerz! I wuznt able 2 make Kobra's tho bc i ran out of red beadz && havnt been able 2 get moar DX

LUV deez bad boyez ♥♥♥

Next r jus general MCR thingz, liek mai fav songz from each album (xcept 4 Revenge), a couple Revenge themed singlez, a Lola single, && sum Frank Iero stuff.

&& now sum otha music stuffz, (MSI, Millionaires, PTV, AA)!

Herez 1 of mai cuffz && a double dat i h8, && a double i luv(purple/black!)

&& mai v 1st ufo cuff && mai main/fav single!

rainbow stuffz

randoz idrk y i made

Unus Annus/Memento Mori

original character stuffz

a succesful perler (sailor moon wand), 2 failed perlerz, && a rainbow i 4got 2 include

mai necklacez && da othr mane 6 figurinez i need 2 make necklacez out of

mai cat earz, gogglez, && mask!!!

&& finally, all da kandi mai wonderful trading partner sent me a couple monthz ago ♥♥♥♥......minus a purple 1 && anotha rainbow 1 i 4got 2 grab :(

soooooo yea datz it!! i still hav lottsa kandi makin stuff, && otha thingz liek earringz. if u eva want 2 trade w me, plz feel free 2 dm me abt it! i would LUVLUVLUVLUV L U V !!!! 2 trd w a new person!!

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