Myspace Layout Generator

Myspace Layout Generator by

11/26/2023 12:14 PM 

About me

name:: Kerosene/Bella 

nickname:: Kero

how old are you:: 14

zodiac sign:: leo

current location:: Virginia

eye color:: brown

hair color:: brown

hair type:: thick and flat at the the and curly from the middle down

hieght:: 5’2

your heritage:: italian/spanish/cuban/french-canadian/lithanian/scottish/irish (Ik its a lot)

what's your middle name:: Marie

shoe's you wore today:: none 

your weakness:: the sun

your fear:: open doors (like open doors as in atcual open doors AND different pathways to different oppurtunities? idk)

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no

do you want to:: no.

goal you would like to achieve this year:: survive freshman year

first thought when you wake up:: f***

best physical feature:: my hair

who is your bestest freind:: me.     um on here it would probably ray toros piss farts

when is your bedtime:: um, usually 9 or 10

your most cherished memory:: um going to england

pepsi or coke:: c*ck WAIT I MEANT COKE I SWEAR pepsi is too sweet

mc dondalds or burgerking:: mc donalds

singel or group dates:: single

what is the last song you sang:: missing - evanescence

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: if theyre good

what is your biggest pet peeve:: when someone says "my bad"

do you drink:: no

ever been drunk:: no

do you smoke:: no

do you "SMOKE":: no

do you sing:: yes but alone 

do you want to go to college:: yes

have you ever been in love:: i wish

do you wnat to get married:: yes

do you believe in yourself:: no

do you believe in others:: sometimes

do you like thunderstorms:: yes

do you play an instrument:: yeah

what do you want to be when you grow up:: i wanna be a singer in a band :D

what country would you like to visit:: erm Germany looks cool, and Japan, and Italy

how many CD's do you own:: um a lot

how many DVD's do you own:: 5 times the amount of cds

how many tattoo's do you have:: none but one day ill have a few

how many piercings do yo have:: one

how many things in the past do you regeret:: everything




shoes:: converse 

radio station:: the emo project

drink:: water

car:: elviras car

place:: my room

song:: missing - evanescence

movie:: erm phantom of the opera? the one from the 40s

moment:: uh none

color:: purple

meal:: cava




favorite eye color:: brown, blue and green and all that fancy sh*t is kinda scary

favorite hair color:: brown or black, sometimes dyed hair can be cool

short or long hair:: in between..?

height:: anything taller than me, im short. preferablly less than 5'10

body type:: erm idk

does ethnicity matter:: no

piercings:: yes

tattoos:: yes



what is todays date:: 11/26/23

what time is it:: 12:27am

who are you thinking of:: bro tbh no one, maybe myself idk

what are you listening to:: the sweet sounds of my ears ringing

do you love someone:: no ;(

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: no

does someone love you:: my family?

is it raining:: yesterday

how many myspace friends do you have:: 467

are you happy:: it depends but at the moment i feel pretty plesant

11/21/2023 06:58 PM 

sophie lanza
Current mood:  disgusted

so i was friends w sophie lanza but tbh i didnt rlly know who any of those people were and i just really looked at her profile for the first time and what


before i thought she was kinda cool and sweet but her gun obbsession was a little off and I JUST REALIZED OMG

1. erm the swastika. she uses them as a divider

2. her obbsession w shooters?? she has a thingy on her profile w "top 10 shooter" including school shooters.

3. her obbsession w adamn lanza specifaically?? (ignore my spelling) but what. like.  keep ur insensitive obbesessions to urself.

4. in her schools it said "degree: mass shooter"

im not sure if her boyfriend is the same, but im pretty sure hes the same. so. 

it kinda makes me sick just realizing this, but i live in fear one day there will be a shooting at my school (and im pretty sure all of u might too) and this is just so twisted wtf

also ty zen zombie for pointing this out

also this isnt meant to be hate, i dont rlly hate people, but this is just a sh*tty thing to do

10/26/2023 07:56 PM 

Personality quiz results??

Soooo i took some quizzes for funzies and like here are my results :D

My personality type is INFP, i took multiple tests and on other sites besides 16 personalities

my ennegram is 4w5

im a hufflepuff

my moral allignment is neutral good


What Sort of Hat Are You? I am a Halo.I am a Halo.

I believe I am perfect. Others may not think so, but those others are wrong. What Sort of Hat Are You?

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?

I am, of course, none other than blank verse.
I don't know where I'm going, yes, quite right;
And when I get there (if I ever do)
I might not recognise it. So? Your point?
Why should I have a destination set?
I'm relatively happy as I am,
And wouldn't want to be forever aimed
Towards some future path or special goal.
It's not to do with laziness, as such.
It's just that one the whole I'd rather not
Be bothered - so I drift contentedly;
An underrated way of life, I find.
What Poetry Form Are You?

idk i might update this but yeah!!

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10/03/2023 07:21 PM 

d*cks r more enviormentally friendly than p**sys
Current mood:  virginal

a note from me: this is literally gonna be the most random thing that ive EVER wrote so do NOT judge me cuz this prob will not happen again (thats so totally a lie) also im doing this from very little research and the top of my head so yeah 

D*cks are more enviormentally friendly than p**sys. Litterally, like according to some random source a single person using disposable menstrual poducts produces almost 360kg of CO2 admissions. Disposable products are SO bad for the enviorment, obviously because they are disposable. Also, nearly 28,114 tons of waste is from disposable mestrual products ALONE. So anyways, what I'm trying to say, d*cks are more enviormentally friendly.

D*cks don't need the amount of products vaginas do (or at least I don't think so.) I'm not counting condoms because that's more of a choice, well, you should probably still wear them if you have a d*ck. I guess pads and other stuff like that are optional but it's pretty uncomfortable walking around with blood dripping out of you. D*cks don't use as much toilet paper as vaginas do. You can just piss without wiping (unless you spill or something) unlike with a vagina where you have to wipe your piss and your blood and it feels super duper WEIRD. A natural LATEX condomn (meaning not all condoms) takes 50-100 years to decompose completely, while pads take another 500-800 years. 

So I was researching and there is literally NO research on if d*cks are more enviormentally friend than p**sys so that is VERY inconvinet. All the results that came up were "will massaging my d*ck increase its size?" and "the hiv risks of penises and vaginas" like, this is a serious cause that needs more reasearch so we can make more enviormentally friendly pads and stuff, and maybe make the reusable stuff cheaper (I don't know if it's exspenisive or not, again, coming from the top of my head.) 

Based on the opinions I have stated, p**sys are earth destroyers (you know how your supposed to reword the thesis? tehe.) If you have atcually read this, hi. (I literally don't have any ending statments.)

(dont hate me for this please this isnt meant to be antifeminist or something)

(damn i wrote a whole freaking essay)

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09/10/2023 07:41 PM 

Current mood:  disgusted

msi is ew

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10/03/2022 04:30 PM 

My current fav band!!!
Current mood:  headphones

I have decided, my favorite band currently is jack off jill. Why you may ask? Their music is awesome, I don't know how else to explain it. Here are my favorite songs by them :D

07/14/2022 06:08 PM 


Song of the week :D : The Art of Pretension by Scarling. 

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